My precious baby, Bailey, passed away not long ago...I know she was 'only a dog', but unless you have had an experience with an absolutely loyal, obedient, and wonderful companion like she was, you just can't understand...she slept at the foot of my bed all these years. She was my shadow and followed me everywhere. She mothered each of the dogs, groomed them, and kept them 'in line'...I still cry at times, but it's getting better...I picked her ashes on the day of my last post and I was really upset. I am so glad I was with her when she passed away; she knew that my daughter and I were there and she was comforted. I have a potter making me a special container for her ashes and she is doing it with love, this comforts me. I have three other dogs; I love them dearly, but Bailey was MY dog...she was my Miss Girl! I really appreciate you friends that emailed me and commented and I am sorry I have neglected my blog. I am surprised, since I have gotten so much pleasure from it...anyway, thank you...for caring.